Friday, December 20, 2013

The Duck Commander.

Ok to start off yes I am from Louisiana, yes I hunt ducks but no I do not have alligators in my backyard nor do I have any of the particular stereotypes that you have seen on the History Channel or on A&E television. That however does not mean that I am not a huge Duck Dynasty fan or that I do not support the beliefs of Phil Robertson because believe me I do. Am I a perfect Godly Christian by all means no. Lets put it this way the Bible tells us in Leviticus 20:13  "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." This country was founded on religious beliefs where has the religion gone. We are punishing a man for expressing his First Amendment rights. We are punishing a man because he has not abandoned his religion. So this I am asking America what have we become. Together we need to stop this abomination that has plagued this nation.


Sunday, December 1, 2013


As children we don't understand some of the decisions that we make or that are made for us. For example why can't I stay up late mom. Why can't I eat this. Why can't I go here and do this etc... One thing I have begun to understand is that our parents have there reasons for the decisions that they make they don't do it just to be spiteful. It's our parents job to protect us from danger if they don't feel a situation is safe they are not gonna send us into it. Now granted every parent is different but every true parents principals should be the same. As a teenager I have begun to wonder if some of the decisions I have already made or will make in the future will affect my children when The Lord blesses me with them which I hope is not soon. 90% of people over the age of 17 have already met the person they are going to marry. Who is she? Is she who I think she is I hope she is. What does our lord have in store for me in the next ten years. What decisions do I have to make for his wishes to come through for me. What does Christ expect of me as a Christian. All of this I believed is based on my decisions or maybe decisions I have already made. So in conclusion just remember be mindful of the decisions you make.